Google Chrome Updated Provides Improved Native Apps Integration, Full-screen iPad support And More

The Internet giant Google has released another update to Google Chrome for iOS devices, wearing much better voice features and comprising a whole collection of new features which make the browser totally interoperable with main Google apps available for iOS platform.

The update contains features for instance improved integration along with other native Apps like YouTube, G+, Maps and Google Drive, full-screen support on iPad and more significantly the data cost savings by minimizing data consumption and improving upon page load times.


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Complete change log for Google Chrome version 28.0.1500.12:

• Interoperability with other Google Apps
◦ Option to open links for YouTube, Maps, G+ and Drive in the app instead of the browser.
• Enhancements to voice search
◦ Text-to-speech for all variations of English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Japanese, and Korean.
◦ Toolbar controls are always available when using voice search
• Fullscreen on iPad
• Data cost savings
◦ Reduce data usage and speed up page load times. View data savings in Bandwidth Management settings. This feature is being rolled out and will be available to all users over time.
• Access to browser history
• Stability / security improvements and bug fixes

Google states that it’ll be providing the data compression service in next the few days, that will help us to save the bandwidth, improved page load speed, and browse more safely and securely on idevice. Go to this link to figure out more detail about compression service.

The interoperability feature of Google Chrome will enable you to log on other Google native Apps with single click, if you have currently signed into the Chrome.

You can download the Google Chrome update through Updates tab in App Store app or direct download iTunes link for free.
