How To Fix No Service On iPhone After Unlocking

Have you ever attempted to factory unlock or some other software / hardware unlocking on your own iPhone and after that your doesn’t work mean showing a No Service in the upper bar? Here’s the fix for “No Service” problem on iPhone after unlocking  which will definitely solve your issue and make it possible for you to use any SIM around the world.

iphone no service

The issues are generally faced by the iPhone 3GS users and people who applied the Ultrasn0w unlocking option, attempted to activate or deactivate their iOS device by using SAM/Redsn0w, and who upgraded or just jailbroke their devices, so this “No Service” issue will be solved automatically and here find out how to fix.

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Fixing “No Service” On iPhone After Unlock

Here you’ll find a few most typical errors which lead to No Service issue coupled with few fixes also.

iPhone No Service Fixes

1. Reset your Network Settings

Goto Settings –> General –> Reset and then select then option named as “Reset Network Settings.”

2. Change the Airplane Mode to On/Off

Goto Settings –> Change Airplane Mode here

3. Simply try the Hard Reboot

By pressing Home and Power buttons together

4. Also try the Cellular data 3G Off/On

  • Firstly, enable and disable 3G.
  • Secondly, try Data Roaming option (on/of).
  • Thirdly, enable / disable Cellular Data and see if your signal comes.

5. Remove and then Insert the Sim card

6. Redsn0w / SAMprefs activation/deactivation

If you used Redsn0w / SAMPrefs or similar programs to deactivate / activate your iDevice after factory unlocking here is what you can do. Try to insert any SIM card. Plug your smartphone to iTunes via USB cable and backup using iTunes. Press to Restore afterwards using either DFU mode or simply Restoring without pressing on SHIFT/Option. After restoration is complete iTunes will ask you to set up a new phone or restore from the backup. Chose to Set up your smartphone as a new device. Follow activation instruction with the SIM card you have inserted and the signal might appear.

Reasons of iPhone No Service issue

1. Contact the carrier

2. Wrong SIM cut

3. Antenna problems

4. iPad Baseband installed

5. Hardware damage

6. Blacklisted iPhone

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